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G-Code Modifier (repository)

🛠️ A desktop application created in order to support the 3D printing of sustainable materials such as chalk via extrusion through a syringe. Such a 3D printing process posses unique problems that either can not be addressed at all with popular 3D printer slicing applications like Cura or only in a very cumbersome manner. The “G-Code Modifier” itself, however, can not slice a model into G-Code as it instead modifies existing G-Code.


The possible modifications of G-Code include:


Programming languagePython
Dependency managerAnaconda
Version control systemGit
Testing frameworkunittest
Application BundlerPyInstaller
GUI FrameworkPyQt5

Installation Process

A precompiled executable can be found with the latest release.

If you want to build the application yourself, it is assumed that you have installed Python and that your operating system is Windows.

Open this repository in the terminal of your choice. In case pip has not been installed, do so via:

py -m ensurepip --upgrade

Install pyinstaller with this command:

pip install -U pyinstaller

Now, create the executable via:

cd src | pyinstaller paste_printer/main.py --distpath "pyinstaller/dist" --workpath "pyinstaller/build"  --noconsole --add-data "paste_printer/resources/icons/*;paste_printer/resources/icons" --add-data "paste_printer/resources/gcode/0.6/*;paste_printer/resources/gcode/0.6" --add-data "paste_printer/resources/gcode/0.8/*;paste_printer/resources/gcode/0.8" --add-data "paste_printer/resources/gcode/1.5/*;paste_printer/resources/gcode/1.5" --add-data "paste_printer/resources/fonts/*;paste_printer/resources/fonts" --add-data "paste_printer/resources/settings/*;paste_printer/resources/settings"

This should have created a new folder in src called pyinstaller. The executable can be then be found at src/pyinstaller/dist/main.exe

If you want to import this project and resolve all the dependencies associated with it, it is assumed that you have already installed Anaconda. Re-create the original GCode-Modifier environment from the environment.yml file with this command:

conda env create -f environment.yml

Activate the new environment:

conda activate GCode-Modifier

Lastly, check that the new environment was installed correctly:

conda env list


The G-Code Modifier is published under the MIT licence, which can be found in the LICENSE file.