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Immutable X Gateway (repository)

🛒 A program created in order to allow the user to engage with the “Immutable X” API in an simple and automated way. “Immutable X” is a layer 2 protocol on the Ethereum blockchain that enables the user to trade NFTs instantaneously, with zero gas fees and in a carbon-neutral way. It also has an open REST API that empowers the user to programmatically interact with the blockchain to, for example look up all available sell orders for a particular NFT or create a trade. The “Immutable X Gateway” allows the user to engage with this open API in an easy, automated way.


With the “Immutable X Gateway”, the user can:

All of these tasks are parallelized and thus once all orders up to the current moment have been downloaded, then from that moment onwards the “Immutable X Gateway” batch processes all new orders as soon as they come in.

Example Information Overview Example created information overview


Programming languagePython 3.10
Dependency managerPipenv
Version control systemGit
Testing frameworkunittest
IMX SDKimxpy
Data analysis librarypandas
Relational database management systemMySQL


As of this writing, requests to the API are sent whenever they arise. For this reason the request limit per seconds as set by “Immutable X” frequently is hit. To overcome this limitation, the “Immutable X Gateway” assumes that the user has installed NordVPN so that the program can switch to a new server. Thus, the “Immutable X Gateway” currently requires the user to have an active subscription with NordVPN to be used.

Installation Process

If you want to import this project and resolve all the dependencies associated with it, it is assumed that you have installed Python 3.10 as well as the Pipenv dependency manager and that your operating system is Windows. To download all the dependencies, simply open this repository in a terminal and type

pipenv install

The python wrapper for the IMX SDK, imxpy, is as of this writing, not on official package on pypi. Therefore, one has to clone the Github repository for that. First, move into the associated directory:

cd src/util

In case there already is a folder called imxpy in this directory, delete it. Now clone imxpy via:

git clone https://github.com/Dimfred/imxpy.git

Because the original IMX SDK was written in typescript, you also have to install npm and Node.js as well as typescript. Now you first move into the new imxpy folder:

cd imxpy

Then install all typescript dependencies with:

npm install

Now, build the typescript file through this command:


The resources directory and all subfolders have to be created via the File_Handler.create_resources_folders() command that is in main method at src/main. So simply run main.

Lastly, user information need to be added at three different locations:


The “Immutable X Gateway” is published under the MIT licence, which can be found in the LICENSE file.


The base image for the logo was taken from the official Immutable X website.


This is not an official “Immutable X” programme nor is it endorsed by “Immutable X”. Use it at your own risk. Particularly when it comes to the auto-trader functionality, no responsibility is assumed for any damage incurred.