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<Markdown-to-Anki-CSV Converter Logo

Markdown-to-Anki-CSV Converter (repository)

💱 A script to convert the LinkedIn “Skill Assessment Quizzes” from Ebazhanov which are in the Markdown format into csv files that can be imported into Anki as well as the converted files. Anki is a popular open-source flashcard program that follows a spaced-repetition approach so that users can learn topics more effectively in less time.


This repository includes:


Programming languagePython 3.10
Version control systemGit

Installation Process

To import the .csv files in Anki, it is assumed that you already have installed Anki.

Open Anki and go to File -> Import or press Ctrl + Shift + I and select the .csv file you want to import. Make sure that you select as type Basic and that you toggle the Allow HTML in fields option. You will most likely also want to change the name of the deck from Default. Now you have imported the .csv file.

If you want to convert the markdown files for yourself, it is assumed that your operating system is Windows and that you have installed Python and Git .

Clone this repository with the following command:

git clone https://github.com/johanneshagspiel/markdown-to-anki-csv-converter.git

You will also need Ebazhanov’s markdown files. First go into the resources folder:

cd resources

In case there is already a linkedin-skill-assessments-quizzes folder, delete it. Now clone Ebazhanov’s repository with:

git clone https://github.com/Ebazhanov/linkedin-skill-assessments-quizzes.git

Lastly, you need to add the path to the collection.media folder of your Anki installation in the main method. Most likely, you can find this directory at:


Now you can run the main method and convert the Markdown files yourself.


This “Markdown-to-Anki-CSV Converter” script is published under the MIT licence, which can be found in the LICENSE file.


The LinkedIn, Markdown, Anki and CSV logos were all taken from Wikimedia.