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Yet Another Language Learning Extension (repository)

🗃️ A Google Chrome extension to translate words and create flashcards in the browser. The purpose of this application is to help save time with the time-consuming and boring parts of learning a new language such as looking up a word in a dictionary, checking whether it already is in ones vocabulary list and then creating a flash card for it. “Yet Another Language Learning Extension” (YALLE) combines all these activities in one simple Google Chrome extension that automates parts of it like checking for duplicates.


“Yet Another Language Learning Extension” currently:


YALLE is very much still under development and not bug-free and without any styling. However, its baseline functionality as outlined above already works. The main points of future improvement are:

The ultimate goal is to extend YALLE’s functionality further to the actual learning process by implementing features such as:


Programming languageJavascript
Package managernpm
Version control systemGit
UI FrameworkReact 17
JavaScript bundlerWebpack 5
Development server for live reloadingWebpack Dev Server 4
Hot loader for React componentsReact Hot Loader
ESLint configuration for react appeslint-config-react-app
Code formatterPrettier
WYSIWYG Text EditorTiptap


To simply install the extension, you can find the most recent compiled build with the latest release. Then, you should load the extension in Google Chrome by:

  1. Going to chrome://extensions/
  2. Checking the option Developer mode
  3. Clicking on Load unpacked extension
  4. Selecting the unzipped yet-another-language-learning-extension folder from the release

To build the application yourself, you have to:

  1. Check if your Node.js version is >= 14 with node -v
  2. Clone this repository with git clone https://github.com/johanneshagspiel/yet-another-language-learning-extension.git
  3. Run npm install to install all the dependencies
  4. Run npm start to launch the webpack server
  5. Load the extension in Google Chrome by:
    1. Going to chrome://extensions/
    2. Checking the option Developer mode
    3. Clicking on Load unpacked extension
    4. Selecting the generated build folder


The “Yet Another Language Learning Extension” is published under the MIT licence, which can be found in the LICENSE file.
